Personal training plan

(or "means of formation")

for young people in Opus Dei

Three rings: may you seek Christ, may you find Christ, may you love Christ.

The challenge:  to close them one day at a time..

(Saint Josemaría)

Once you discover how fulfilling it is to live your life with God, you won't want to go back. The traditional means of formation are part of the training plan Opus Dei offers young people.

1 goal:

to find God in ordinary life and to make Him known.

1 plan:

5 areas of formation:

human, spiritual, doctrinal, professional, apostolic.

affectivity intelligence memory will relationships

Love includes all of these dimensions of the person:

1 attitude: ready to begin and begin again.

adapt it to your personal needs and circumstances.

Traditional  means of formation.


A short class given by  a member of Opus Dei,  with a small group  of regular attendees. Helps you grow in your relationship with God through practical advice. On topics that help  deepen your faith.


After some time in a preparatory circle, it can be helpful to move on to a professional circle. Explore specialized subjects with expert speakers and go deeper into current topics in religion, society, etc. Helps you take a Christian approach to your work and study.



weekly 30 min

weekly session with your input and discussion 45 min


Vigil to the Blessed Sacrament.

Stay with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in the early hours of the first Friday of the month, taking shifts and praying in silence. Brings us back to the night of the first Holy Thursday and deepens our love for the Eucharist.

Time of prayer in front of a Tabernacle led by a priest. Usually focused on an aspect of Jesus' life, through the Gospel. Spend time with God,  foster your relationship  with Him, and talk to Him  in prayer.

weekly 30 min

monthly 1st Friday

Spiritual direction.


Spiritual accompaniment in an environment of friendship and trust to help you dream bigger and see farther.  Helps you concretize the formation you receive on a personal level, to get closer to God.

Help give catechetical classes for groups preparing for First Communion or Confirmation, in a parish. Preparing and giving the classes helps you understand and explain your faith and the Church's doctrine better. Investing your time in forming others helps you become more generous, increase your sense of responsibility, and develop your capacity for commitment.

weekly or biweekly conversation




Time to pause during the month and consider, in the presence of God, how to carry on growing in your Christian life. Usually includes meditations, time for spiritual reading, a talk, and an examination of conscience.

Fulfills the same purpose  as a monthly recollection,  but lasts longer to help  you focus more deeply  and talk to Jesus more intensely. A chance to make a really good confession. A good time to review  your notes and resolutions from recollections  throughout the year.

monthly approx. 2 hr

yearly 2-3 days

Visit to  our Lady's poor.


A way to give from what you have to contribute to the needs and activities of the St. Raphael work: buying flowers for our Lady, resources for volunteer activities or for the centre, contributions to the parish for catechesis... A voluntary action that helps you grow in generosity.

Learn to see Christ in your neighbour, become more sensitive to others' needs, and grow in gratitude. Direct personal contact with suffering.  Act on your love for your brothers and sisters in a clear and practical way.

when you can 


Remember: you close the rings with God
